Letter rant
Yo! For some reason I’m receiving Double Down Zine newsletter. No idea why and how. The first
time I heard about that zine was actually from that newsletter so there is no way a signed for it.
Never mind. I’m still receiving that and I always take a look.
Who am I? I’m Kobi from Poland. Boss of Szrot Skate Zine (second worst zine in the world). Let it be
honest about myself. I’m straight (as stupid as that term sounds). Do I have any rights to be part of
Double Down Zine?
My whole life I like to show support to scared, „not so cool” people. It was like that in school and it’s
like that now is skateboarding. It just feels right to cheer someone, give fist pump or just say some
good words f.e. „I like that trick” or just simple „These pants are awesome!”. It costs you nothing but
can build someone self-confidence. So it’s quite natural that I support women skateboarding as much
as I can. I write about it in my zine. I used to post such edits when I worked for other skate magazine.
Why I just say „women skateboarding”? It’s sad but in Poland LGBTQ+ community in skateboarding is
still not fully present. Unfortunately it seems that my country is still way behind. But if I can, I do my
best. Sometimes it makes me think „is skateboarding really that open community?”. From my
perspective, yeah sure. I’m straight white man, so I’m fully accepted. However I like to put myself in
others point of view. And it can suck. Put yourself in others position as well. It’s easier than you think.
I was never keen watching Leo Baker documentary. I was afraid that it will be some bad netflix
production for people who don’t know shit about skateboarding. But I did. To be honest it was not
very good but it point out few important things. Our skateboarding community is not really that
welcoming and open as it’s presented. Level of hate that Leo got is ridiculous. I really want to believe
that these fuckers are not skateboarding but are just raiding the skateboard (or maybe don’t have
anything to do with skateboarding). For me it’s always „I care who you are but at the same time I
don’t judge who you are.” Remember, Leo was already well known skateboarder with a lot of respect
under the belt. Just put someone not so popular in such position!
I think there is no point on commenting Olympic bullshit committee. They are full of shit. Do you
know that „The ultimate goals are to cultivate human beings, through sport, and contribute to world
peace”. Yeah right…
What is my aim with that article? Expose the hypocrisy of the skateboarding community? I think it’s
quite obvious. I don’t know if it’s stupidity or just jealous. In the world when everyone is ripping and
it’s all about „me, me, me”, it’s easy to hate on minority. Did we turn into jocks? I hope not. LGBTQ+
skate scene is what skate scene in general should be. Bunch of humans which are against social
norm, who respect and support each other. Leave jock mentality behind and go back to the roots.
You can do whatever the fuck you want.
Fuck, do you know what is heartbreaking? Me feeling a need to write that article. At that point of
human history it should not be an issue. It should be just normal. „Are you queer? Ok. Do you skate?
Cool, let’s go skate”. Just like that. Let’s be that open community that we are supposed to be.
We looked into Szrot Skate Zine as well and we are stoked on it too. Glad Double Down got to the editor to give them a space to rant about the current issues we are all dealing with.