Sos Skatepark

Sos Skatepark is located in BETHLEHEM, Palestine. Where my friend kiwi volunteered at for over 3 months..

The kids at sos were one of a kind. they filled my heart with their warmth.


The Kids, LOVED Kiwi. Always screaming his name for him to watch them do the trick that he taught them. Kiwi loved the kids too. Just like with the kids at Skatepal, he couldn’t wait to go skate with the kids


It was amazing being able to say how strong these kids were. one moment they were so overwhelmed and scared to drop in. Within ten seconds they do it with no fear or bail. Making it all the way to the other side. It was nice being there to freak out with them when they land the trick they were so fearful to do. It was so amazing to see and not only was it empowering for them but made a difference for me too.


“Everyone, Yallah!”

Double Down